On Tuesday at 6pm we have the Free Event - Connect with your higher self and Journal with oracle cards - free link to zoom here (be punctual please) via Eventbrite
Sunday we gather to manifest witht he new moon press here for info Manifesting Magic with the New Moon Manifesting Gathering at 6pm gmt contact me if you want to join!!!
Your New Moon Message
Card 1: What is this new moon about for you?
Balance - The New Moon in Gemini will help inner balance between the two opposite or opposing sides of you. Yes those inner voices – the one that encourages you to go for things and the other who criticises and puts you off doing things. So this month welcome in some more inner balance as you learn to and are helped to connect with your higher self, recognising your inner voice and intuition knowing that this will lead you on the right path.
Within this sense of balance and peace you find space to grow and be you.
Help harness this moons energy by slowing down and pausing before action, become more self aware of what’s going on inside your mind, listen to your inner voices and then slowly take more control on how your inner voices speak.
Remember you are in charge of your mind, bring some discipline in if needed – use positive affirmations, mindfulness or time in nature to connect with you.
Take things slowly and allow for these positive changes to happen
Card 2: What wants to emerge this lunar cycle?
9 of Emotions
The feelings of knowing that you have overcome the many challenges in your life and now with these lessons learnt you have time to actually enjoy and celebrate.
Set your intentions and then release them out to the universe trusting that your wishes will be granted
Card 3: What do you need to let go of that is weighing you down?
5 Inspirations
Fear – allow the feelings of happiness to emerge by letting go of the fear vibe. Start asking and thinking about what could go right instead of what could go wrong.
Let go of the internal arguments or inner disturbance by replacing these unsettling thoughts and feeling by living in a state of gratitude. Trust that you are being shown and guided on the way forward. Leave the fear in the past and release this vibration so you can rise up towards inspiration
card 4: How can you focus your resources to manifest your intentions?
Become more grounded in your root chakra. With this inner anchorage you will feel your root strength grounding you and bringing balance and will power.
Remember to ground yourself daily, cleanse your energy of other peoples worries and doubts, protect your energy from being taken off course or distracted.
You will then be able to maintain and develop a deep sense of trust that you are moving forward with power
Card 5: An affirmation to carry with you this moon cycle
10 Emotions
I create my world with my chosen positive thoughts
Have a lovely New Moon!!!
Many blessings
Thank you for this insight. I will definitely be sure to focus on grounding myself more. xxx