The very thing, the object of your desire, is within reach!!
This is a month to be open to receive. Reflect and ask yourself what you’re missing or looking for in your life. Now is the time to focus on exactly that. Ask, dream and be open to receive, then step out of your way. We are usually the only ones that place limitations on what we can manifest and achieve. Be open to receiving what the universe sends your way. Remember we sometimes receive what we need rather than what we want. We have to trust that this will be what benefits and fulfils us the most. The focus this month is a mix of hope and gratitude. Wake up with hope in your heart knowing that your life is changing and becoming how you want it. The seagull reminds you that you can soar to unlimited heights, as like the seagull, you can be independent and fearless. He has a vibe of freedom but communicates well so bear this in mind as we travel through Mercury retrograde and be aware of how you are communicating. Work I feel this month is all about focusing on the future. You have learnt so much within your sector and now can use that knowledge to benefit yourself and others. The past is over and done with so let things go to prevent resentments clouding your judgement. Trust yourself and the road you are on. Don't let others dampen your enthusiasm, undermine your ideas or encourage you to give up before a plan or change has been implemented. By trusting yourself and feeling the enjoyment or buzz of being proactive and productive, you will create something that increases your joy or finances and definitely the way people view you. Be open to receiving!!
Love It may be time to be vulnerable within your relationships and reveal your thoughts and feelings for there to be a clear understanding of what you want out of it. There is plenty of space and potential for passion to bloom or even to rekindle a past love. You must stay true to expressing what your wishes are. There's no room for being coy or playing games as then communication or energy may be misunderstood and your true intentions may be lost in translation. This new relationship has the potential to enrich your life. This month be clear and straight about what you want. Make yourself heard and stand strong in your self-belief. Spirit Blessings are cascading down on you!! Remember to be thankful for all you receive and all that you already have.
Practise Gratitude in whatever way suits you. Perhaps make a special time each day to add a gratitude ritual into your daily routine either upon waking by waking with gratitude for the day ahead and all its possibilities. When you go to bed give thanks for the events of the day. Maybe write in your journal or just go outside and give thanks for your blessings. Communicating your gratitude to the universe brings in more of what you want, so be mindful of what you say. Communication again is a big point here so make sure your words are not empty so that you really feel and connect with what you are saying. The universe will react to the vibration. Talk to the universe and it will be listening and waiting to help and to offer more of what you are grateful for. Live with joy and freedom, enjoying life and all the sparkling blessings coming your way. Self-care card To keep your vibe high, limit how much time you spend doing negative activities like watching the news or being around people who drain you and do more of what you love. Walk in nature, sing, dance and play good tunes!! Your good vibes will banish and cleanse away any low-vibing energy. For some extra care, you can always cleanse your energy field with crystals like Selenite or burn some sage or Palo Santo.
Have an amazing month!!!