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The Journey To Enlightenment Tarot Deck
The Journey to Enlightenment Tarot is the beautiful deck I co-created with Daniela Manutius. In part, I followed the traditional meaning of the cards.
I also combined channelled messages and my personal experience.

Daniela created the artwork based on the traditional design of the Rider Deck, channelled in her own unique style.

The cards leave room for interpretation, allowing your intuition and imagination to be led on an insightful journey.

They are the perfect self-help tool and will help you connect to your soul as you get in touch with your Higher Self and move closer to self-fulfilment.

Voted Highly Commended in the Soul Awards held by the Soul and Spirit Magazine

This magical deck, published by Watkins, is available for the UK HERE on  

My self help and empowerment book is also available from the UK  or Amazon

S&S Awards Highly commended 2020
soul awwards

This extraordinary deck offers a new way of interacting with the Tarot. The cards evoke, through their strange and wondrous artwork, a sense of enlightened experience. The card images combine with the wise words of the guidebook to lead the user onto a journey of powerful self-discovery and deep alchemical transformation.


CLICK Soul and Spirit Magazine Interview 

 See inside the box

Meet The Artist
There is more detail on the Pip (numbered) cards in this deck than in any other Tarot, offering guidance in the user's journey to enlightenment on themes such as healing, self-love, emotional self-soothing, energy, and motivation. As you embark on an incredible journey of self-understanding and self-fulfilment, these uplifting cards will help you connect deeply to your soul and guide you in the direction of your dreams. Whatever your question, they will bring the light you need, encouraging intuition, self-awareness and self-healing, and helping you to release your emotional blocks.
Enjoy this journey to enlightenment!

Journey to Enlightenment Tarot Deck
Journey to Enlightenment Tarot cards

After having the tarot help her during challenging times, Lovett decided to study this tool more deeply and then share her insights with others. Specifically, The Journey to Enlightenment Tarot is meant, “…to help the users deal with their issues and blocks so they can manifest their futures.” She presents some basics about the tarot as well as ideas for some spreads to use and then gives the nuts and bolts of the deck in the accompanying guidebook.

Each card has a write-up about the meanings associated with the card and then a section called Journey to Enlightenment where specific ways to use the energy of the card are given. For each, three words sum up the meaning of the card. The minor arcana or pips are given equal time and space allowing them to take their rightful place in the overall guidance tarot can offer.

For instance, the three words for the Sun card are hope, faith, healing. The basic meaning is positive energy and abundance, a time to be happy, freedom, recognition and something positive for the future. The application is to begin again, forgiving yourself and others, being full of hope to let your spirit grow and shine.

The artwork by Forster is intricate and complicated with a lot of color, imagery, and symbols. Many of the cards follow the basic design of the Rider deck, but not all, and there is lots of room for interpretation and pondering.

The Journey to Enlightenment Tarot deck adds to the multitude of visions carried and shared by those who have found it to be their inspiration, support, and silent mentor as they navigate the waters of life. Collectors will want to be sure to add this to their collection.

new spiritl
animal oracle

The Art of Compassion
Oracle Deck

The Art of Compassion Oracle was created to strengthen our spiritual connection to the animal world. This beautifully illustrated, versatile 100-card deck features illustrations by 53 artists spanning 18 countries.

Each card offers a message on the reverse side, so there is no little booklet you need to keep referring to.

Using the deck can be as simple or as complicated as you like. You could pull a card for the day or work with the element groups and use various spreads. How you use the deck is up to you.

Everyone involved in creating this oracle deck is a member of 

The Art of Compassion Project. 

The AoCP is an international art collective that aims to support the compassionate lifestyle of veganism by donating 100% of proceeds from various art projects to non-profit vegan organizations. Through this effort, we also aim to build a strong international community of vegan artists who share the same vision—to use their art as a means to spread the vegan message.

All the proceeds from the sale of the deck go to VegfestUK.

Created by Leigh Sanders and Selena Joy Lovett.

Illustrated by these 53 artists.

Watch Selena’s YouTube video about the cards.


FREE ONLINE EVENT - Meet your Animal Spirit Guide


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