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Your New Moon Message

Tonight we will be looking and practising different spreads in the VIP Tarot Club if you want to join and Tomorrow Manifesting Magic with the New Moon Manifesting Gathering at 6pm gmt contact me if you want to join!!!

Using the Hierophant to represent the vibe of the New Moon in Taurus we will ask the following questions to help you understand how best to work with the energies of the new moon

What have I been holding in that needs to be released?

What unconscious grudges do I need to let go of?

What parts of my life can benefit from me being more accepting?

What will help me become more accepting of what I cannot control?

What have I been holding in that needs to be released?

Running after things, maybe setting yourself impossible tasks and trying too hard – sometimes the best thing to do is to rest, reassess and see what comes into your life or mind. Maybe you have just been overdoing too much. Perhaps as well with the powerful Moons and retrograde period we have been through maybe your energy is running too fast, too overloaded and there’s a need to ground and slow down.

So in short let go of the feeling of having to chase everything and be on the go either physically or mentally all of the time and putting pressure on yourself to achieve.

What unconscious grudges do I need to let go of?

Lack – perhaps not having as much as what others appear to have – either financially or emotionally. This may be wasting your energy thinking about how well others appear to be doing instead of focussing on your own unique gifts and journey – blocking your way forward.

What parts of my life can benefit from me being more accepting?

Your wellbeing and your progress in life. Letting go of grudges helps you focus on what you do have and what you can do, so that you can spend more time building on your foundation. Creating more of what you know about and growing your business or self.

Trusting your journey, giving yourself the time that it needs to take to get you where you should be, allowing yourself to enjoy this period in your life instead of feeling under pressure.

This way you also discover more of your unique talents, gifts and ways.

What will help me become more accepting of what I cannot control?

Understanding the life is full of hidden blessings and we often don’t see or appreciate what is right in front of us. Believe and have faith that the universe will deliver what’s right for you when its right and the more you let go of controlling the outcome and just be open to receive - the more sense your path forward will make and you will see the blessings in disguise!!

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