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Tarotscope For July

Writer's picture: Selena Joy LovettSelena Joy Lovett

General message for July

It’s time for some fun!

Do you treat others better than you do yourself? Feel guilty if you cut yourself some slack? Or wait until you have achieved something before treating yourself (this is a wonderful strategy ~ but at times sometimes this can lead to denial). So now is the month to start putting yourself first! 

Prioritize your needs, wants and desires and do things that make you happy, feel alive and free ~ it’s time you deserve it.  Pack a bag and have a break, do something a little rebellious and bring back the teenage that inside! Yes I know you have too many responsibilities ~ but there is a way round things, a way to have some more fun…...maybe it’s just looking at things differently but I think it more to do with allowing yourself to have more fun and freedom (guilt free!)

The Candy Cane Angel is in charge of letting you know when it’s time for some luxuries that will reconnect you with your self-love and self-worth.  She, too, holds back from giving to herself as she is such an ernest and industrious little angel, but her message is always clear ….it’s time for some fun!!

Love ~ whispers of love

Loving words have the power to change lives, including your own.

A positive attitude works wonders in creating more love around you, allow yourself to express yourself positively.  Choose your words carefully as they hold so much power, the energy behind them affecting those they are aimed at, especially yourself!! Try throughout this month to speak only kind and positive words to yourself and watch yourself bloom!  

Within relationships this month, is a time for communication, opening up and allowing what you feel in your heart to be spoken, words conveying exactly how you feel., Open, heartfelt communication ends rifts and improves connections. Step fearlessly into sharing your thoughts and feelings. 

The influence of the pictured full moon suggests that there is an opportunity to release a pattern that no longer serves you. Trust your ability to speak the truth in a loving manner.

Work and Money

The struggle is over!

Success will now follow, but don’t let it all be too much for you, you don’t have to do everything.  Delegate, ask for help, rest when the time is needed, listen to yourself, your energy and stress levels, as if it all becomes too much you won’t be able to move forward and achieve all that you wish to.

If you are working too hard you must balance this out with rest and fun.  Slow down and accept assistance and look for ways to make things easier- employ experts that can aid you with things you can’t deal with effectively, allowing you to focus on where your talents shine.  Things are about to become very successful so make sure your priories yourself so that achieving your dream doesn’t turn into a nightmare producing too much work or responsibilities - balance and self-care.  If people are putting their problems on you, it may be time to step back so you can have a good look at what’s going on and then take some time to meditate, get in your center and communicate and brainstorm for solutions.  Boundaries and balance!!


Learn to create what you desire

Have you been hanging back for a while not quite sure about going forward? 

The message from Alice is don’t spend too much time pondering your destiny, wondering whether something is for you ...fate…. her approach is different she doesn’t ask whether it’s meant to be, she asks how it can be done.  This practical approach may not feel spiritual for some {as usually we are meant to go with the flow and see where life takes us are we not?) so when this card shows then this means action must be taken. Do not wonder if something is meant for you or leave it up to the gods, instead think how it could be achievable, what action can be taken, what advice can you seek.  There is always a way through to the other side, but passively waiting and waiting isn’t the way to go.  So, ask questions, seek advice and look again from a different angle all together.

So, if you have been hanging back, waiting for a life transition …. waiting for a sign from the universe to walk towards it well if you need a sign then this is it! 

Go for it! be an insider, be included, step up and have an influence on the world.  

Take your dreams and make them work!

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1 commento

Belinda McKnoulty
Belinda McKnoulty
01 set 2019

Beautiful thank you Selena 💗

Mi piace


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