When I first spoke with Watkins Wisdom Academy, after creating the Journey to Enlightenment Tarot Cards, about making a Discover Tarot Course for Beginners – I was so excited!!! I also felt, well so very honoured as I recognise that they publish and know so many other talented Tarot Readers. It was also exciting as it also meant me heading off to London to film the course and be in a studio, so of course the inner 20-year-old actress still inside of me began singing - They’re gonna put me in the movies !!
However, with the start of 2020 and the covid restrictions, it looked like it just wasn’t going to happen!!! So eventually, the only solution was to film it at home!!! So that meant finding a time when the house was empty of teenager music and doors slamming, my dogs barking at the inevitable Amazon package arrival (as we couldn’t go out and shop), and for my yappy neighbours' dogs to sleep!!!! It also helped to catch the sun at the right time as then the lighting was easier!!!
However, even when I had the ideal conditions - this whole project wouldn’t have got together if it wasn’t for the wonderful patient Klaus Herold who instructed me on what the hell I was doing and guided me on what I needed to do all of this !! Oh technology!!! So with tripods, microphone and lights set up I was good to go !!! It was harder than anticipated mainly as my brain doesn’t engage well with my mouth!! and I would get my words twisted up or as I watched it back I would realise that; oh my! yes, I am passionate about tarot as I have repeated that same sentence 3 times in 5 minutes!!!! But thanks to modern technology at the editing skills of Klaus and all at Watkins I am so pleased to say that the course is ready to watch!!!
At the moment there is a discount of 30% with the coupon code tarot30.
So if you would like to please pop over and watch the finished version!!!!

Wow, the Universe never lets me down. 👋 Hi, I was guided here not even looking for this. It's amazing 🤗 My Journey has been a Blessing, not at all easy n life threatening, but a Blessing just the same. I'm finding the Truth of me and everything connects so easily. However, I've come to the Absolute Truth that money holds me back from being able to be Free to be me spiritually. I have quite a few decks of Oracle cards n 2 Tarot decks. I'm hoping to purchase one of yours, they're beautiful n as I've said, I was guided your way. I've been alone on my journey, letting go of parts of me that do not serve…